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WonderED School Counselors

School Counselors want their students to thrive. So does WonderED.

It can be frustrating if some of your kids can't thrive in your school. But sometimes certain kids have a diversity of needs that your school can't meet. Is there a place for them where they can succeed? 


You can make a huge impact on these students' lives by letting them know about WonderED Academy - and we have proof. Scroll to read the review that was recently posted by one of our students on, a leading school review website.

What types of students could you refer to WonderED

  • Students who want a more engaging, dynamic, and interesting way of learning
  • Students who want to have a fast track to graduation
  • Students with a diversity of needs
  • Students who want more skills in addition to academics
  • Students who want a voice and choice in how, when, and what they learn
  • Students, such as those from military families that may need to move or travel often, and do not want serial interruptions in their learning
  • Students who are constrained or limited by traditional education
  • Gifted and talented students who might not have access to a program for their needs.
  • Students who are dealing with bullying or school violence, and your district does not have an online program for them.
  • Students who are challenged by meeting their state requirement for passing graduation tests (required by 8 states in the US)

How a School Counselor changed this student's life by referring him to WonderED K-12 Academy.

"As a student with a low-income household, school had always been a challenge, especially since I've had to balance school and work since the age of 14 to help support my single mom. Mid-Junior year at my old high school I was burned out, I wasn't able to fulfill the duties of my jobs, clubs, sports, AP classes, and community service projects all at once and it took a toll on my physical and mental health. However, as if sent by an angel from heaven, my counselor suggested to me an online school that helped students just like me and I was able to start the transferring process that same night. In a matter of days I was transferred to Dream (WonderED) Academy, and needless to say, it was the best decision of my life. I was able to finish school at my own pace, meaning I could do school between breaks and after my work shifts which completely changed the way I learned and performed in school. It changed my life, and only for the better." Review

Current Student

Career Credential

WonderED student referred by school counselor
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