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Financial Aid Enrollment Process

Paying tuition is an investment in your student's future.


​That is why we are partnering with Clarity to make it an easy process for your child's quality education. Working with Clarity ensures that we have a clear financial picture of what your family needs for an affordable education at WonderED.


All of the information that you need is available on this page.


Start by watching this Intro to Clarity video:









We suggest you then review the Clarity Application Guide and use the supporting tutorials below for step-by-step instructions.​​


Once contracts are released, families will receive an email with a link to the Clarity Contracts & Billing Portal. Families will have options for contracts and payments.


Once logged into Clarity, you will be able to view and sign the contract(s), select the payment plan, and pay the deposit.


View all Clarity tutorials below to help with with this process.


For additional help with the Clarity Process, use the contact information below to directly communicate with Clarity.


Clarity Family Support Contact Information

  • Phone support at 206-210-3752

    • Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm ET

    • Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm ET

  • Email support at

  • Email and Chat Support

    • Monday to Friday, 8 am to 11 pm ET

    • Saturday and Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm ET

Clarity Logo for Light Background.png

WonderED K-12 Academy es una escuela privada, sin fines de lucro 501(c3), acreditada mundialmente y que atiende a estudiantes de todo el mundo.

U.S. IRS Tax ID 82-2780135

Florida DOE School Code 9366

Oficina central:

6014 US 19N, Suite 106

Nuevo puerto Richey FL 34652

Cognia - Logotipo del organismo de acreditación de WonderED Academy

Teléfono: 727-900-5186

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Tenga en cuenta: Un estudiante con discapacidad ubicado por sus padres en una escuela privada no tiene derecho individual a recibir parte o la totalidad de la educación especial y los servicios relacionados que recibiría si estuviera inscrito en una escuela pública según la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA). WonderED K-12 Academy no proporciona servicios de IEP, sin embargo, trabajará con cada familia para desarrollar un plan educativo personalizado y ayudar a conectarse con servicios externos según sea necesario.

Logotipo de la Academia WonderED K12

© 2024 Academia WonderED K-12

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